1. Dongrui Fan, Hao Zhang, Da Wang, et. al. High-Efficient Architecture of Godson-T Many-Core Processor. In Hot Chips, In Proceedings of 23rd Symposium on Hot Chips, August 2011.
2. Dongrui Fan, Xiaowei Li, and Guojie Li. "New Methodologies for Parallel Architecture",Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2011,Volume 26, Number 4, pp.578-587.
3. Guoping Long, Diana Franklin, Susmit Biswas, Pablo Ortiz, Jason Oberg, Dongrui Fan, Frederic T. Chong. Minimal Multi-Threading: Finding and Removing Redundant Instructions in Multi-Threaded Processors. In Proceedings of 43rd International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro 2010), Dec. 2010.
4. Xiaochun Ye, Dongrui Fan, et al. High Performance Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithm on Many-Core GPUs. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010), Apr., 2010.
5. Fenglong Song, Zhiyong Liu, Dongrui Fan, Lei Yu, Shibin Tang. Thread Owned Block Cache: Managing Latency in Many-Core Architecture. In Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010 Conference. Ischia-Naples, Italy, August 31st - September 3rd, 2010. pp.280-291.
6. Fenglong Song, Dongrui Fan, Zhiyong Liu, Junchao Zhang, Lei Yu. Efficient Address Mapping of Shared Cache for On-Chip Many-Core Architecture. In Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010 Conference. Ischia-Naples, Italy, August 31st - September 3rd, 2010. pp.292-303.
7. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang. Characterizing and Understanding the Bandwidth Behavior of Workloads on Multi-core. Euro-Par 2009.
8. Dongrui Fan, Nan Yuan, Junchao Zhang, et al. Godson-T: An Efficient Many-Core Architecture for Parallel Program Executions. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Nov. 2009, 24(6):1061-1073.
9. Nan Yuan, Yongbin Zhou, Guangming Tan, Junchao Zhang, Dongrui Fan. High Performance Matrix Multiplication on Many Cores. Euro-Par 2009.
10. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang. Architectural Support for Cilk Computations on Many-core Architectures. PP0PP'09 Poster.
11. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang,Fenglong Song, Nan Yuan, Wei Lin: A Performance Model of Dense Matrix Operations on Many-core Architectures. In Proceedings of European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2008.
12. Guangming Tan, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang, Andrew Russo, Guang R. Gao. Experience on Optimizing Irregular Computation for Memory Hierarchy in Manycore Architecture. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'08). 2008.
13. Qian Xuehai, Hao Zhang, Jingang Yang, He Huang, Junchao Zhang and Dongrui Fan, “Circuit implementation of floating point range reduction for trigonometric functions”, will appear on ISCAS 2007.
14. Xuehai Qian, He Huang, Hao Zhang, Guoping Long, Junchao Zhang, Dongrui Fan. Design and Implementation of Floating Point Stack on General RISC Architecture. In Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing,2007.
15. Dongrui Fan, Hailin Huang, Zhimin Tang, “TLB Design Methodology of Embedded Processor”, Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.29-1,2006, P72-80.
16. Dongrui Fan, Zhimin Tang, Hailin Huang, GuangR Gao, et al. “An Energy Efficient TLB Design Methodology”. IEEE & ACM sponsored International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED’05), San Diego USA, August 2005.
17. Xiaotao Chang, Dongrui Fan, Yinhe Han, Zhimin Zhang. “SoC Leakage Power Reduction Algorithm by Input Vector Control”. International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2005(ISSOC2005), November 14-17, 2005, Tampere, Finland.
18. Xiaotao Chang, Dongrui Fan, Yinhe Han, Zhimin Zhang. “Fast Algorithm for Leakage Power Reduction by Input Vector Control”. The 6th IEEE International Conference on ASIC(Asicon2005), October 24-27, 2005, Shanghai, China.
19. Dongrui Fan, Hongbo Yang, Guangrong Gao et al., “Evaluation and Choice of Various Branch Predictors for Low-Power Embedded Processor”, Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Vol.18 No.6, Nov. 2003.
20. Dongrui Fan, Hongbo Yang, Guangrong Gao ,and Rongcai Zhao, “An Evaluation of Different Branch Predictors for Low-Power Embedded Processor”, IEEE COOL Chips V, April 2002.
21. Dongrui Fan, “A Comparative Study of Power Estimation Tools at Different Processor Design Levels”, 8th Symposium on Computer Science and Technology, DaLian.
22. Other 10 papers published by IEEE/ACM International Conferences, and other 10 papers published on Chinese Journal of Computer in Chinese.
1. PATENT: 15 patent applications have been accepted in China.
2000年7月毕业于北京交通大学,获理学学士学位;2005年7月毕业于中科院计算所,获工学博士学位。2006年11月起获聘为中科院计算所副研究员,2010年12月被评为博士生导师,现任中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室先进微系统研究组组长。申请人目前担任了欧洲HiPEAC会员、中国计算机学会高级会员、IEEE会员、ACM会员。中科院计算所-Tilera联合实验室主任。NVIDIA全球合作教授。并担任第40届并行处理国际会议(ICPP 2011)副主席,担任了PDCAT2009、PDCAT2010程序委员会委员。
1) 2003年获中科院计算所所长奖学金
3) 2005年获中科院计算所优秀科研奖
4) 2007年入选中科院计算所百星计划
5) 2008年获中科院青年人才奖
6) 2008年获中科院计算所优秀科研奖
7) 2010年获评为计算所卓越之星
9) 2010年获评为北京市科技新星
1. Dongrui Fan, Hao Zhang, Da Wang, et. al. High-Efficient Architecture of Godson-T Many-Core Processor. In Hot Chips, In Proceedings of 23rd Symposium on Hot Chips, August 2011.
2. Dongrui Fan, Xiaowei Li, and Guojie Li. "New Methodologies for Parallel Architecture",Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2011,Volume 26, Number 4, pp.578-587.
3. Guoping Long, Diana Franklin, Susmit Biswas, Pablo Ortiz, Jason Oberg, Dongrui Fan, Frederic T. Chong. Minimal Multi-Threading: Finding and Removing Redundant Instructions in Multi-Threaded Processors. In Proceedings of 43rd International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro 2010), Dec. 2010.
4. Xiaochun Ye, Dongrui Fan, et al. High Performance Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithm on Many-Core GPUs. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010), Apr., 2010.
5. Fenglong Song, Zhiyong Liu, Dongrui Fan, Lei Yu, Shibin Tang. Thread Owned Block Cache: Managing Latency in Many-Core Architecture. In Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010 Conference. Ischia-Naples, Italy, August 31st - September 3rd, 2010. pp.280-291.
6. Fenglong Song, Dongrui Fan, Zhiyong Liu, Junchao Zhang, Lei Yu. Efficient Address Mapping of Shared Cache for On-Chip Many-Core Architecture. In Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010 Conference. Ischia-Naples, Italy, August 31st - September 3rd, 2010. pp.292-303.
7. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang. Characterizing and Understanding the Bandwidth Behavior of Workloads on Multi-core. Euro-Par 2009.
8. Dongrui Fan, Nan Yuan, Junchao Zhang, et al. Godson-T: An Efficient Many-Core Architecture for Parallel Program Executions. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Nov. 2009, 24(6):1061-1073.
9. Nan Yuan, Yongbin Zhou, Guangming Tan, Junchao Zhang, Dongrui Fan. High Performance Matrix Multiplication on Many Cores. Euro-Par 2009.
10. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang. Architectural Support for Cilk Computations on Many-core Architectures. PP0PP'09 Poster.
11. Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang, Fenglong Song, Nan Yuan, Wei Lin: A Performance Model of Dense Matrix Operations on Many-core Architectures. In Proceedings of European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2008.
12. Guangming Tan, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang, Andrew Russo, Guang R. Gao. Experience on Optimizing Irregular Computation for Memory Hierarchy in Manycore Architecture. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'08). 2008.
13. Qian Xuehai, Hao Zhang, Jingang Yang, He Huang, Junchao Zhang and Dongrui Fan, “Circuit implementation of floating point range reduction for trigonometric functions”, will appear on ISCAS 2007.
14. Xuehai Qian, He Huang, Hao Zhang, Guoping Long, Junchao Zhang, Dongrui Fan. Design and Implementation of Floating Point Stack on General RISC Architecture. In Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing,2007.
15. Dongrui Fan, Hailin Huang, Zhimin Tang, “TLB Design Methodology of Embedded Processor”, Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.29-1,2006, P72-80.
16. Dongrui Fan, Zhimin Tang, Hailin Huang, GuangR Gao, et al. “An Energy Efficient TLB Design Methodology”. IEEE & ACM sponsored International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED’05), San Diego USA, August 2005.
17. Xiaotao Chang, Dongrui Fan, Yinhe Han, Zhimin Zhang. “SoC Leakage Power Reduction Algorithm by Input Vector Control”. International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2005(ISSOC2005), November 14-17, 2005, Tampere, Finland.
18. Xiaotao Chang, Dongrui Fan, Yinhe Han, Zhimin Zhang. “Fast Algorithm for Leakage Power Reduction by Input Vector Control”. The 6th IEEE International Conference on ASIC(Asicon2005), October 24-27, 2005, Shanghai, China.
19. Dongrui Fan, Hongbo Yang, Guangrong Gao et al., “Evaluation and Choice of Various Branch Predictors for Low-Power Embedded Processor”, Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Vol.18 No.6, Nov. 2003.
20. Dongrui Fan, Hongbo Yang, Guangrong Gao ,and Rongcai Zhao, “An Evaluation of Different Branch Predictors for Low-Power Embedded Processor”, IEEE COOL Chips V, April 2002.
21. Dongrui Fan, “A Comparative Study of Power Estimation Tools at Different Processor Design Levels”, 8th Symposium on Computer Science and Technology, DaLian.
22. Other 10 papers published by IEEE/ACM International Conferences, and other 10 papers published on Chinese Journal of Computer in Chinese.
1. PATENT: 15 patent applications have been accepted in China.