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Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging

撰稿: 摄影: 发布时间:2012年11月08日

When systems fail in the field, logged data are frequently the only evidence available for support engineers and developers to assess and diagnose the underlying cause. Consequently, the efficacy of such logging data is a matter of significant practical importance. We have empirically studied tens of thousands of log messages and hundreds of production failures from several widely-used systems, and built several tools for log automation and postmortem log analysis. In this talk, I will summarize our experiences on exploring questions such as “How much do log messages really help in debugging?‘’, “Are they good enough?'', “What are the opportunities for improving log qualities?'', “Can we automatically improve log  messages?'', and “How can we automate the log inference?''. The insights we learnt could also benefit programmers towards better designs of their software for better failure diagnosability.
袁丁博士于2012年毕业于UIUC (博士后期在UCSD开展研究工作),导师为周圆圆教授(Prof. Yuanyuan Zhou),主要研究方向为操作系统和系统可靠性。近年来在OSDITOCSASPLOSSOSPICSEFSE等计算机顶级会议及期刊发表多篇论文,并多次获得或提名为最佳论文奖。
袁丁博士关于故障诊断的工作引起了工业界的浓厚兴趣,其研发的系统收到GoogleEMCNetAppCiscoQualcommHuawei等多家公司发布授权的请求。袁丁博士的工作也引起学术界密切关注,2012年受邀在Usenix System Management Workshop (MAD12)作主题报告。
袁丁博士将于近期前往加拿大University of Toronto担任助理教授职位,正在招收2013年入学的博士生,欢迎感兴趣的同学与他联系(diyuan@cs.ucsd.edu )。 