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撰稿: 摄影: 发布时间:2017年06月25日

职称 研究员
所属部门 计算机体系结构国家重点实验室
研究方向 面向新兴应用的编程模型、编译优化技术及相关工具软件
联系方式 fxb@ict.ac.cn 



近年来承担或参与的项目包括863、973、自然基金、重点专项等项目,是十二五“863”计划“多核编程”项目的首席专家;近年来主持研制的支持龙芯芯片的高性能编译系统LoongCC性能优异,为龙芯的推广使用做出了贡献;研发的自适应编程模型及相关环境在华为公司落地实用,参与提出的多项发明专利成为国际专利;在PPoPP、ISCA、PACT、ICSE、CGO等著名国际学术会议和ACM TACO、IEEE TPDS等著名国际学术刊物上发表论文数十篇;获北京市奖励1项。




Parallel Incremental Frequent Itemset Mining for Large Data,YG Song, HM Cui, XB Feng,Journal of Computer Science and Technology 32 (2), 368-385,2017 2017
An Accelerator for High Efficient Vision Processing,Z Du, S Liu, R Fasthuber, T Chen, P Ienne, L Li, T Luo, Q Guo, X Feng, ...,IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and ...2017 2017
Two-Level Task Scheduling for Irregular Applications on GPU Platform,J Li, L Liu, Y Wu, X Feng, C Wu,International Journal of Parallel Programming 45 (1), 79-93,2017 2017
Locating Software Faults Based on Minimum Debugging Frontier Set,F Li, Z Li, W Huo, X Feng,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2016 2016
Efficient Management for Hybrid Memory in Managed Language Runtime,C Wang, T Cao, J Zigman, F Lv, Y Zhang, X Feng,IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 29-42,2016 2016
Predicting Cross-Core Performance Interference on Multicore Processors with Regression Analysis,J Zhao, H Cui, J Xue, X Feng,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (5), 1443-1456,2016 2016
Pragma Directed Shared Memory Centric Optimizations on GPUs,J Li, L Liu, Y Wu, XH Liu, Y Gao, XB Feng, CY Wu,Journal of Computer Science and Technology 31 (2), 235,2016 2016
Articulation points guided redundancy elimination for betweenness centrality,L Wang, F Yang, L Zhuang, H Cui, F Lv, X Feng,Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of ...2016 2016
WiseThrottling: a new asynchronous task scheduler for mitigating I/O bottleneck in large-scale datacenter servers,F Lv, L Liu, H Cui, L Wang, Y Liu, X Feng, PC Yew,The Journal of Supercomputing 71 (8), 3054-3093,2015 2015
Practical iterative optimization for the data center,S Fang, W Xu, Y Chen, L Eeckhout, O Temam, Y Chen, C Wu, X Feng,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 12 (2), 15,2015 2015
ShiDianNao: Shifting vision processing closer to the sensor,Z Du, R Fasthuber, T Chen, P Ienne, L Li, T Luo, X Feng, Y Chen, ...,ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 43 (3), 92-104,2015 2015
Hadoop+: Modeling and Evaluating the Heterogeneity for MapReduce Applications in Heterogeneous Clusters,W He, H Cui, B Lu, J Zhao, S Li, G Ruan, J Xue, X Feng, W Yang, Y Yan,Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing ...2015 2015
ReCBuLC: reproducing concurrency bugs using local clocks,X Yuan, C Wu, Z Wang, J Li, PC Yew, J Huang, X Feng, Y Lan, Y Chen, ...,Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering ...2015 2015
Pudiannao: A polyvalent machine learning accelerator,D Liu, T Chen, S Liu, J Zhou, S Zhou, O Teman, X Feng, X Zhou, Y Chen,ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 43 (1), 369-381,2015 2015
Concurrency bug localization using shared memory access pairs,W Wang, C Wu, PC Yew, X Yuan, Z Wang, J Li, X Feng,ACM SIGPLAN Notices 49 (8), 375-376,2014 2014
Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs,W Wang, Z Wang, C Wu, PC Yew, X Shen, X Yuan, J Li, X Feng, Y Guan,Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated ...2014 2014
A collaborative divide-and-conquer k-means clustering algorithm for processing large data,H Cui, G Ruan, J Xue, R Xie, L Wang, X Feng,Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2014 2014
Dynamic I/O-aware scheduling for batch-mode applications on chip multiprocessor systems of cluster platforms,F Lv, HM Cui, L Wang, L Liu, CG Wu, XB Feng, PC Yew,Journal of Computer Science and Technology 29 (1), 21-37,2014 2014
An empirical model for predicting cross-core performance interference on multicore processors,J Zhao, X Feng, H Cui, Y Yan, J Xue, W Yang,Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2013 22nd 2013
Journal of Software 24 (7)
Effective fault localization based on minimum debugging frontier set
F Li, W Huo, C Chen, L Zhong, X Feng, Z Li
Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), 2013 IEEE/ACM International ...
A propagation engine based approach for pointer reference fault detection
LJ Zhong, W Huo, F Li, CM Chen, XB Feng, ZQ Zhang
JisuanjiXuebao(Chinese Journal of Computers) 36 (2), 432-444
Research on task parallel programming model
L Wang, HM Cui, L Chen, XB Feng
RuanjianXuebao/Journal of Software 24 (1), 77-90
面向GPU 的循环合并
高技术通讯23 (3), 257-262
Layout-oblivious compiler optimization for matrix computations
H Cui, Q Yi, J Xue, X Feng
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 9 (4), 35
Making it practical and effective: fast and precise may-happen-in-parallel analysis
C Chen, W Huo, X Feng
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Parallel architectures ...
Extendable pattern-oriented optimization directives
H Cui, J Xue, L Wang, Y Yang, X Feng, D Fan
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 9 (3), 14
A highly parallel reuse distance analysis algorithm on gpus
H Cui, Q Yi, J Xue, L Wang, Y Yang, X Feng
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2012 IEEE 26th ...
计算机学报35 (2), 244-256
计算机研究与发展48 (12), 2290-2299
A Hybrid Circular Queue Method for Iterative Stencil Computations on GPUs
Y Yang, HM Cui, XB Feng, JL Xue
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 27 (1), 57-74
计算机学报34 (7), 1224-1238
Automatic library generation for BLAS3 on GPUs
H Cui, L Wang, J Xue, Y Yang, X Feng
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2011 IEEE International ...
Dependence-based multi-level tracing and replay for wireless sensor networks debugging
M Wang, Z Li, F Li, X Feng, S Bagchi, YH Lu
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 46 (5), 91-100
Software-hardware cooperative DRAM bank partitioning for chip multiprocessors
W Mi, X Feng, J Xue, Y Jia
IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 329-343
计算机研究与发展47 (7), 1145-1155
Landing stencil code on Godson-T
HM Cui, L Wang, DR Fan, XB Feng
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 25 (4), 886-894
An adaptive task creation strategy for work-stealing scheduling
L Wang, H Cui, Y Duan, F Lu, X Feng, PC Yew
Proceedings of the 8th annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Code ...
Level by level: making flow-and context-sensitive pointer analysis scalable for millions of lines of code
H Yu, J Xue, W Huo, X Feng, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the 8th annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Code ...
Continuous speculative program parallelization in software
C Zhang, C Ding, X Gu, K Kelsey, T Bai, X Feng
ACM Sigplan Notices 45 (5), 335-336
PARBLO: Page-Allocation-Based DRAM Row Buffer Locality Optimization
W Mi, XB Feng, YC Jia, L Chen, JL Xue
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 24 (6), 1086-1097
A language of suggestions for program parallelization
C Zhang, C Ding, K Kelsey, T Bai, X Gu, X Feng
Technical Report URCS
Detecting and eliminating potential violations of sequential consistency for concurrent C/C++ programs
Y Duan, X Feng, L Wang, C Zhang, PC Yew
Proceedings of the 7th annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code ...
A Register Pressure Sensitive Instruction Speculative Scheduling Technology
H Lei, F Xiaobing, L Fang
Journal of Computer Research and Development 3, 019
Exploiting idle register classes for fast spill destination
F Lu, L Wang, X Feng, Z Li, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on Supercomputing ...



学科类别 计算机系统结构
专家类别 h高
其他备注 博导 计算机系统结构